Legend of the violet flame
![Legend of the violet flame](/content/images/size/w1200/2024/02/vys7tGbxhLrZOKEUBoVFyqsOAyXUktr4HWgAADTr4tE.webp)
The legendary Violet flame
We are called to be co-creators with God.
Earth is a school room where we learn to take responsibility for our energy. Now, you can access the art and science of decrees to help you. The Science of the Spoken Word, of using decrees, allows the soul to follow the Biblical teaching “concerning the works of my hands, command ye me.”
Like prayers, decrees are spoken petitions to God. But they are a command for the will of God to be manifest. When you use violet flame decrees, you are commanding the flow of energy from spirit to matter. You are no longer a just petitioner, but are entering into a partnership and an interactive relationship with God.
visible to the invisible shortest WaveLink and unique frequency
GOTD Staff: Look this from 3d to 5d retrospect is me seeing this is a very good opportunity to both heal and cleanse. To really shift energy easier.
The Violet Flame is a metaphysical concept originating from Theosophy and popularized by various spiritual traditions, particularly in the New Age movement. It is believed to be a form of energy with powerful transformative properties, associated with purification, healing, and spiritual growth.
According to believers, the Violet Flame is a high-frequency energy that can transmute negative energies and emotions into positive ones. It's often visualized as a violet-colored flame or light that one can invoke through meditation, prayer, or visualization techniques. Advocates of the Violet Flame practice often use it for purposes such as clearing negative karma, releasing emotional blockages, and promoting spiritual enlightenment.
I always pair this with my meditation selections
Play It While you read this page! magical violet flame attraction shamanic effect
The concept is often linked to the teachings of Saint Germain, an ascended master in Theosophical and New Age beliefs, who is said to be the guardian of the Violet Flame and a spiritual guide for humanity's evolution.
Invoking Violet Flame with the Science of the Spoken Word:
Since we qualify the energy that Universe gives us with every heartbeat, most likely some of it is not qualified in the best way. For example, any time we lose our temper, get annoyed, or spend our time judging others, we are negatively qualifying that energy. Well, there is a spiritual science to transmuting that energy.
Spiritual seekers are familiar with meditation, visualization and affirmation. We can see the beautiful violet flame and visualize its light over us, our families, our world. We can enter into deep meditation upon it and let its presence enter our surroundings. Even more powerfully, we can affirm the energy of the violet flame into our lives by means of the Science of the Spoken Word.
The name of God, I AM That I AM, as taught to Moses, is the key to manifestation. I Am a being of violet fire, I AM the purity God desires. Earth is a planet of violet fire, earth is the freedom that God desires. Using the name of God in such a way creates an interactive relationship with Spirit – you become a co-creator through the power of decrees.
Some more i ams
A Being of Violet Fire
Taking your electrons for a spin!
When you call for the violet flame, it sets up a polarity between the nucleus of the atom and the white fire core of the flame. The nucleus, being from matter, assumes the negative pole and the white fire core of the violet flame, being Spirit, assumes the positive pole. This interaction sets up an oscillation, a vibration that dislodges the density.
On contact with the violet flame, this dense substance is cleansed, purified, and restored to its native purity. The electrons begin to move freely again, and raise our whole vibration and our energy level.
What happens when you use the Violet Flame?
With every beat of our hearts, energy is flowing to us from our Higher Source. Every moment, we decide whether to put a positive or negative spin on it. We have the free will to “qualify” God’s energy coming to us. By the law of the circle, the law of karma, that energy will return to us.
Our energy choices come back to us bringing more of the same into our lives. It comes as blessings, it comes as lessons for us to learn to do better, and as opportunity to make things right. Negative choices cause negative energy to build up in ourselves, our cells, our psychology, and creates our limitations. Many refer to this energy as negative karma.
This happens on a group level too, in communities, countries and the world. This group karma affects our destinies. The visualization, affirmation, and meditation on the violet flame consumes this negative energy – transmutes it to positive energy. We can work with this violet light to turn ourselves and this world around.
We can set the energy free!
Saint Germain teaches that the violet flame has the ability to change physical conditions because of all the spiritual flames; the violet is closest in vibration to the components of matter. The violet flame can literally consume the negative layers of energy within and between the very atoms of your being.
Think of it: If you can set free energy that was locked in place by a negative thought or feeling, are you not going back and changing the past?
Taking your electrons for a spin!
When you call for the violet flame, it sets up a polarity between the nucleus of the atom and the white fire core of the flame. The nucleus, being from matter, assumes the negative pole and the white fire core of the violet flame, being Spirit, assumes the positive pole. This interaction sets up an oscillation, a vibration that dislodges the density.
Why Now?
Heaven has a “just in time delivery system.” We face intense challenges so we are given the miracle of the violet flame to help us transmute the past and to create a new world. Jesus asked us to pray, “Thy Kingdom come on earth, as it is in heaven”. We can affirm that heavenly kingdom through our work with the violet flame.
The Violet Flame is a powerful means of bringing that heaven world closer to earth.
The Great Brotherhood of spiritual adepts foresaw that this challenging time on earth required a spiritual miracle. When the time came, the Master Saint Germain again revealed the teachings on the Violet Flame to mankind. Previously, only those in the spiritual retreats knew of the violet flame. Now, Saint Germain reveals,
“As your soul travels out of the body at night to the etheric retreats for study, you are shown the filigree thread of light that emits from a heart chakra filled with mercy’s love. Some of you have seen where there have been a number of threads so great as to not even be possible of counting, and these threads of violet flame, almost as a gossamer veil, have gone directly to hearts all over the planet…You can in fifteen minutes a day of giving violet flame decrees have me with you; and in my presence with you, you can deliver a momentum of violet flame to many souls upon the planet.” (Saint Germain, 7-4-91)
The Ascended Master Saint Germain is calling you as a fellow spiritual alchemist to fan the flame of joy, transmutation, mercy and resolution. Bathe the earth in violet fire. Saturate yourself and your loved ones in the energy of the violet flame and watch your world change.
Don’t Take it on Faith – Listen to the Scientists: For the scientific minded, here is the greatest explanation of why the violet flame works – “In our physical world, the violet light is the shortest wave length of light and therefore, the highest frequency in the physical spectrum. Since frequency is directly proportional to energy, the violet light also has the most energy! That means, it has the greatest ability to change matter at the atomic level.”
A Time for Transformation:
World events and changes appear to be are happening at lightning speed. We are in constant contact with news and crisis situations around the world. We are also impacting the world by who we are and what we believe, what we are choosing to be, or not to be.
Each one’s choice truly matters.
What can one person do in the face of political turmoil, economic challenge, terrorism and even weather extremes? The truth is, every spiritual seeker is a powerhouse of spiritual energy and counts for more in the world equation than most realize. We can make the crucial difference in world events.
The Violet Flame is the intense spiritual energy that can deliver fast positive change.
For eighty years, Saint Germain and the Masters have been preparing the world to enter into the Age of Aquarius, the spiritual era when peace, enlightenment and freedom become more possible. Saint Germain is spoken of in the Book of Revelation as the voice of the Seventh Angel that is teaching our souls to come up higher. He teaches us to Sing the New Song. This new song is one of a new vibration and spiritual energy the world has not seen for a long time.
From Darkness steps out into the Light with purple flames and butterflies spuing from his mouth. Dust it off Brotha We need To Go back in this time with a lantern and our truth lets get as many connected to the violet flame at least those humble enough to recieve devine blessings.
My bad back to purple flame content
The violet flame is a powerful and transformative spiritual energy. It goes by various names, including the “Flame of Transmutation,” “Flame of Mercy,” “Flame of Freedom,” and “Flame of Forgiveness.” Here’s what you need to know about it:
- Symbolic Transformation: The violet flame is often depicted as a violet-colored fire. It symbolizes self-transformation and purification. When used intentionally, it can help dissolve negative karma or energetic blockages within us 12.
- Color and Sound Healing: The violet flame utilizes two essential tools: color and sound. Color has long been recognized for its impact on our emotions and mental states. In this case, the healing properties of the color violet aid in releasing and transmuting stagnant energies. Additionally, the sound associated with the violet flame contributes to its transformative effects 1.
- Spiritual Alchemy: Just as alchemists sought to turn lead into gold, the violet flame facilitates inner alchemy. It creates space for healing, allowing us to move through obstacles and challenges on our spiritual journey. Think of it as a sacred fire that purifies and frees us from limitations 1.
- Biblical Roots: The concept of a transformative flame dates back to biblical times. In the story of Moses and the burning bush (Exodus 3:2 KJV), an angel appeared in a flame of fire that did not consume the bush. This non-consuming fire represents the violet flame’s essence—transformation without destruction 1.
So, when you encounter the violet flame, whether in meditation or visualization, remember its potential to transmute and heal, much like the magical fire of ancient alchemists.