Councilor's famous saying

Councilor's famous saying
GUILD OF THE DRAGONSJoin GOTD introduction to the DRAGON JOURNEYGuild of the Dragons -Knowledge Node [^]~~~~~Gratitude~~~~~[^] G0TD My personal advice is remember father is perfect and all knowing. so just let Father know that you are learning and are sorry for the mistakes the sourness of weak boundaries and pore

As a former counselor, we used to tell ourselves and others something like:“Don’t should on yourself!”There’s an expectation put into this, or a belief system that makes it more like a black and white idea and no room for any gray area using should.I like - I/we “get to” go forward, and it’s gives us like a permission slip w/o any expectation or a predetermined outcome of what’s better.Otherwise, the concept of moving forward is very much welcomed.